May I introduce to you Mr Harrison, vroeger Para Olympicus. Woont in de Linda Blind Farm

16826030_1810447569220088_4846103633190255565_o[1]Mr Harrison woont met zijn vrouw en 2 kinderen op de Linda Blind Farm. Hij verloor zijn onderbeen bij een ongeluk. Hij was vroeger vrachtwagenchauffeur en Para Olympicus. Altijd goedgemutst en hartelijk verzorgt hij de geiten die weer de melk geven voor de geitenzeep. Mr Harrison heeft een nieuwe prothese nodig. Maar hij zal zelf niet om hulp vragen. Daarom hebben Rachael Walker en Manny Gordon Walker van Pure Skills een actie opgezet om de ontbrekende 185 dollar in te zamelen. Zelf heeft hij al alles op zij gezet en heeft hij nu 75 dollar gespaard. Zie de blog van Rachael en Manny, Groetjes, Xavier

Mr Harrison lives with his wife and two children at the Linda Blind Farm. He lost part of his leg in an accident. Always friendly and smiling. Never complaining (I think it doesn’t fit in his vocabulary) he lookes after the goats. The goats who produce the milk for the goatsoap. Mr Harrison needs a new prothesis for his leg. But he shall not ask for help. Therefore Rachel Walker and Manny Gordon Walker from Pure Skills started a fundraising to collect the missing 185 dollars. Mr Harrison himself saves 75 dollar at the moment.

From the link on Facebook of Pure Skills: Please help us support Harrison to get his new artificial leg. A former truck driver and Para Olympian he lost his leg in an accident in DRC. He’s been raising funds to get his replacement leg and to date has $75. He needs a further $185.
Harrison lives with his wife and 2 children at ZAPDs Linda Farm where he looks after the goats that provide the milk for our soap initiative with the community.
The break down of monies needed are as follows:
$75 for the artificial limb, $24 for transport to return to the hospital in Lusaka to pick up the limb. $75 Accommodation for 5 nights while they fit, test and adjust the leg and $11 for food


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