Het is zover! Finally, on International Literacy Day voor Geletterdheid gaat de deur van de spiksplinternieuwe Library op de Linda Blind Farm School open!

Creating life-long readers. And the brand-new Library at the Linda Blind Farm School really will help.

Kun je je een mooiere dag voorstellen dan de Internationale Dag van de Geletterdheid (wat een titel wel..) om de deur te openen van een echte bibliotheek op de Linda Blind Farm School. Er is zo lang naar uit gekeken en nu is het eindelijk zo ver. De bouw van de primary school is op een haar na klaar. Dus ook de bibliotheek. In bescheiden afmetingen voor ons maar heel bijzonder voor Zambiaanse scholen.

September is literacy month in Zambia. And every year on September 8 it is International Literacy Today is September 8. Already declared so since 1965 by Unesco.


What can better be done on this special day then opening the doors of a wonderful Library at the Xavier Community School?

     biebkasten thanks to Bibliotheek Veldhoven

Wat zou een bibliotheek zijn zonder echte boeken? En zonder echte bieb kasten?

The Xavier Community School Library (want dat is de echte naam tegenwoordig), is mogelijk gemaakt dankzij prachtige donaties van Biblionef Nederland en dankzij de Bibliotheek Veldhoven. Heel veel helpers, donateurs en sponsors waaronder de Stichting Wilde Ganzen, de Winkel van Sinkel in Grubbenvorst, de Lions Club International en Lions Young Ambassador maakten de bouw van de primary school mogelijk. En dus van de Library.

Biblionef Nederland doneerde in 2017 al drie tot de rand toe gevulde dozen met meer dan 300 boeken. Prentenboeken, leesboeken, voorleesboeken. Voor alle leeftijden op school. Bibliotheek Veldhoven doneerde de echte boekenkasten, een prachtige leesbank, prachtig aankleedmateriaal zoals posters en nog veel meer om het lokaaltje om te toveren in een echte, uitnodigende bieb. Een aantrekkelijke plaats om te zijn voor kinderen.


Huge, very huge thanks to Biblionef Netherlands and Bibliotheek Veldhoven (Library Veldhoven in The Netherlands). Biblionef Nederland donated 3 boxes filled to the brim with English books and pens: 300 books: picture books, storybooks, reading books. For all ages from pre school till primary school.

The Library in a town in The Netherlands called Veldhoven, donated the furniture like real bookcases, wonderful posters related to child books, statues and even a real couch to transform the room into a real, inviting en comfortable Library. A dynamic and attractive place to go for children.

back in 2017 Picking up the donation from Biblionef

     the counch.. first in Veldhoven, The Netherlands and second in .. Zambia at the Linda Blind Farm School 🙂

It might even create life-long readers. Books create a way into the wide world and to knowledge and wisdom. Which can be helpful to the children to make their own decisions in life. And reading is most of all fun. Really it is! In Bemba, Nyanja, Tonga, English? The most important is children to experience themselves reading is very enjoying, relaxing and it enlarges your world. Once you experience the joy of reading (mostly started by being read and enjoy looking at picture books), reading school books et cetera will be more easy and interesting too.

Again many, many thanks to Biblionef and Bibliotheek Veldhoven making this possible and making the children and staff of the Linda Blind Farm School so proud. They finally have their own Library!!

Storytelling, reading books together with your friends, in classes, being read by your teacher, is indispensable and therefore essential for good school education. Essential to help children building themselves and their families as their community a better future, kicking the poverty out of their world. Over 800 million adults and young people, world-wide, lack basic literacy skills.

The children of the Xavier Community School, from today on, have access to a real library to practice there literacy skills. Thanks to many helpers, donors and supporters from Zambia, The Netherlands and all over the world who made this pre- and this primary school including the Library possible!

The vision of the Xavier Community School is all said by the words that welcome you on the nameplate next to the door of the school: “Education is the best weapon to change the world (Nelson Mandela)”.

Today we would like to add to this, the words of Malala, a girl who was also a nobel prize winner in 2014 at the age of only 17: “One book, one pen, one child and one teacher can change the world”.

Have a very happy and inspiring International Literacy Day!


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Doneren Sponsorloop Vierdaagse 2024 door Thuy

Sponsor Thuy Nguyen

TEDx Venlo | Building Schools in Zambia

During his TED-talk, Xavier speaks of his efforts, and hopes to inspire the audience to start their own initiatives.

TED-talk Xavier Friesen

Mijn Sponsors

Wilde Ganzen

Elke gedoneerde euro ten behoeve van een samenwerkingsproject tussen Bouwstenen voor Zambia en Wilde Ganzen is € 1,50 waard! Bijvoorbeeld de bouw van de primary school, de aanschaf van leerboeken en, héél belangrijk in bestrijding Covid 19, het handwash bassin voor genoeg en schoon (drink)water. Lees meer over onze samenwerking:

Bouwstenen voor Zambia & Wilde Ganzen

Volg mij!


