De speeltuin door de regen in de zon!


Monique (small Monique zeggen ze in Zambia) en Susanne schonken drie jaar geleden de speeltuin aan de Linda Blind Farm School. De kinderen zijn er erg trots op. Er zijn maar weinig scholen met een speeltuin. Het Ministerie van Educatie vond het ook pluspunten waard bij de behandeling van het upgradingsverzoek voor de school. Ook de Swing van andere, Nederlandse, Monique uit Londen (big Monique zeggen ze in Zambia, doorstaat alle seizoenen. Helaas hebben de regenseizoenen de speeltuin wel flink aangetast. Het was ook niet meer veilig voor de kinderen. Al laten zij zich daar niet door stoppen. Ze gaan er toch op. Er moest wel iets gebeuren. Samen met de bewoners van de Linda Blind Farm, de teachers en met Manny Gordon Walker van Pure Skills, hebben we een renovatieplan gemaakt dat alle weerseizoenen voor het komende decennium moet doorstaan. Een paar appjes naar Nederland en 2/3 van de kosten is al gefinancierd met donaties. Bedankt! Bedankt Monique boven alles. Nog 150 euro te gaan. We hebben de opdracht wel al gegeven want veiligheid gaat voor alles en het helpt bij de monitoring door het Ministerie van Educatie. Manny gaat het doen in een gezamenlijk project met de bewoners en oudere kinderen van de farm. Het wordt lassen, houtbewerking en schilderen. Xavier

The playgarden at the school is very special. Donated bij Monique and Susanne and their supporters three years ago (small Monique they say here in Zambia :). Only a very few schools have a playgarden. So the children are very proud they are the ones who have such a beautiful one, including a swing (donated bij, big, Monique from Londen). The Ministery of Education also was enthousiastic when they saw these playoptions as well as the footballfield. Unfortunately specially the rainy seasons and the hot seasons have done their work to. To avert the playground from bad to worse and of course for the safety of the children, it was necessary to take action. Together with the people from the Linda Blind Farm and the youngsters also as with Manny Gordon Walker from Pure Skills we made a renovationplan that can stand all seasons for the next 10 years. A few appjes were send to Holland and thanks to Monique we already were able to finance 2/3 of the costs. An other 150 euro to go. We already confirmed the order because safety first and because it helps also for the monitoring by the Ministery of Education. Manny from Pure Skills is going to take care for the renovation in a common project with the parents and the, older, young people from the farm. It is a project dominated by welling, woodworking and (re)painting. Xavier The playgarden at the school is very special. Donated bij Monique and Susanne and their supporters three years ago (small Monique they say here in Zambia :). Only a very few schools have a playgarden. So the children are very proud they are the ones who have such a beautiful one, including a swing (donated bij, big, Monique from Londen). The Ministery of Education also was enthousiastic when they saw these playoptions as well as the footballfield. Unfortunately specially the rainy seasons and the hot seasons have done their work to. To avert the playground from bad to worse and of course for the safety of the children, it was necessary to take action. Together with the people from the Linda Blind Farm and the youngsters also as with Manny Gordon Walker from Pure Skills we made a renovationplan that can stand all seasons for the next 10 years. A few appjes were send to Holland and thanks to Monique we already were able to finance 2/3 of the costs. An other 150 euro to go. We already confirmed the order because safety first and because it helps also for the monitoring by the Ministery of Education. Manny from Pure Skills is going to take care for the renovation in a common project with the parents and the, older, young people from the farm. It is a project dominated by welling, woodworking and (re)painting. Xavier


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Sponsor Thuy Nguyen

TEDx Venlo | Building Schools in Zambia

During his TED-talk, Xavier speaks of his efforts, and hopes to inspire the audience to start their own initiatives.

TED-talk Xavier Friesen

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Wilde Ganzen

Elke gedoneerde euro ten behoeve van een samenwerkingsproject tussen Bouwstenen voor Zambia en Wilde Ganzen is € 1,50 waard! Bijvoorbeeld de bouw van de primary school, de aanschaf van leerboeken en, héél belangrijk in bestrijding Covid 19, het handwash bassin voor genoeg en schoon (drink)water. Lees meer over onze samenwerking:

Bouwstenen voor Zambia & Wilde Ganzen

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